Saturday 28 April 2007

Humanity at Large

Whoever claimed that life gets easier once one has aged beyond one's teenage years, or has matured, was very misleading; it is one of the fraudulent statements that has entered our parlance, and made itself feel quite at home in the hall of fame of cliches. Well, life does not get easier instead life loses its originality, its ingenuity, and occurences that once stirred your emotions lose their impact by the tedium of repetition. Life gently herds us to tranquil pastures where we munch on old chestnuts with a blasé air, or something. I can understand how one can confuse tedium with a state of comfort; tedium is always conducive to ease, if only in a deluding way. At any rate, my life keeps getting more complicated as days pass. I simply have to wake up, and breathe. No other actions need be undertaken.

So, I'm reading on technology and how it affects humans / our conceptions of humanity. I have started - of course - by examining what makes us human - as distinctive to 'animals' - to begin with. Naturally my reading started with morality. Our desire for conformity to the rules of - what is generally quite arbitrary, and highly subject to change - right conduct is astonishing; we are willing to sacrifice a whole lot to just be accepted. Morality is a funny concept, especially when viewed in relation to our equally strong desire to be independent individuals. We spent most of our teenage years asserting our individuality whilst trying to brave the storm of peer pressure only to succumb to it in later years. I see it happening all around me at work. Most colleagues are enticed to join the whispering choir by the leading rumor-mongers, and then heartily partake in Chinese whispers about anything & everything. Is this right conduct? I do not know; judging by the standard I should think it is, however all this murmuring is not conducive to comfort, nor a genial work space. No matter how great the tedium it engenders.

My love life is troublesome; not in the least because of my laborious efforts to get a date, but because of my whimsical taste in men. I seem to fall for men who are the mirror image of me; this is the source of many a stormy relationship, but I'd rather a gentle breeze than a passionate storm. You can attribute it to age. As I get older, and consequently wiser, or I should say 'fitted', my desire for genial relationships grows ardent. It must be because of the slowing of my metabolism. At any rate, I should find a way to adjust my taste to suit my mood. I have always had a terrible time adjusting my palate to a change in diet... Ah well.

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