Sunday 24 December 2006

Silly Little Bunny

I'm silly. Without a doubt I am just that. Silly. Oftentimes I think that my silliness - which left unchecked could not only be my downfall but wreak havoc on unsuspecting passers-by as well. Yeah. Anyway, I hope they realize that I am not to blame whatsoever, and should harm ever come their way I am truly sorry. I shall repeat it again: I am silly - lest they forget.

A few days back I was listening to some very cool electro songs and all of a sudden I was taken by this tremendous feeling of ecstacy; I felt so in touch with the essence of the universe; I wanted to make love to the entire world. I felt a bit saddened, though, that I didn't long to make love to one special person in particular. I just hope I'll reach that point of wanting to make love to one person in particular soon; since you can't fool around with all of the people all of the time. But, eh, there's no rush. I'm quite happy as it is being single; I just hope I ain't broken. Well, the question of sex is a very delicate one. I don't miss it, per se. Though the lack of it, or rather its shadow, looms over me everywhere I turn. It is some spectral force that I feel exerting its insidious pull on me, eh, yeah. So. It's been a while. A long while. A very long while. Thank God I have other things on my mind that dim any feeling of eroticism that dares grow sunny in these brumal times. Yes. How Shakespearian.

At any rate, I keep myself duly occupied with work (Death, and Writing), and grinding my passion into dust. Chores that befit my constitution; that of a true romantic. I have written a nice little poem that speaks of my inner turmoil, but I reckon most people will judge it completely in the reverse manner than it was intended. They will, in all likelihood, read something quite perverse in it. As I have already written earlier today; free interpretation has caused a lot of damage in this world, as has innocence. Innocence has done much more harm than malicious design, or free interpretation, ever did. See, malicious designs are intrinsincally flawed; since human beings are flawed. Besides, humans are much more acute to recognizing devices that are intended to cause harm. We are wary creatures. The genius with innocence is that it is utterly unknowing of its own nefarious plot. Silently, and moreover righteously, it unfolds its diabolical plot and ensnares us in its web of naiveté.
We are flabbergasted once we figure out that all the misfortune that was dealt to us has come from such a guileless source. All was done to us with the best of intentions. Silly Little Bunny.

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